There are 10 ways of batsman dismissal according to law in cricket. But, there is one more way a batsman can get out, many cricket viewer have seen but, only few have noticed.
The most common way of batsman dismissal in cricket is caught out followed by l.b.w out, bowled out etc. I will reveal the 11th way a batsman can dismissed in this post along with 10 ways a batsman can get out in cricket.

Caught out: Caught out is the most common way of batsman dismissal. While a batsman is batting  when ball is in contact with bat ( or glove ) and is caught by fielder or wicket keeper before it touches the ground, then batsman is out in cricket and such type of batsman dismissal is caught out.
One of the most commond way to dismissal in cricket, caught out.
Caught Out
Bowled out:  If the balls hits the stump while batsman is batting, then the batsman is said to be out by bowled out. But, if the ball be in the contact of wicket and the bail is not completely removed from the stump, then the batsman is not considered out. Bowled out is considered as the impressive way to get a wicket of batsman. So, no batsman wants getting out by bowled out.
Bowled out is impressive way to get a wicket of a batsman.
Bowled Out

    L.B.W out: L.B.W refers to the leg before wicket. If the ball hits batsman body (especially leg) without touching bat or glove, then the batsman is said to be out by l.b.w out if and only if ball is going to hit wicket after hitting batman body. The law of Leg before wicket (LBW ) is very complicated. There are many controversial cases of batsman dismissal by lbw out.
    Getting batsman out using L.B.W
    LBW Out

    Run out : Run out is another common way of getting out of cricket. If ball hits stump while batsman is taking run before batsman reaches crease, then the batsman is considered out. And such type of dismissal in cricket is called run out.
    Run Out in cricket
    Run Out

    Stumped out: If the batsman steps out side the crease to play the ball, leaving no part of bat or leg inside the crease, and wicket keeper is able to remove bail with a ball in his glove, then the batsman is out. And such type of batsman dismissal in cricket is  known as stumped out. Generally, batsman are stumped out in  spin ball and some time in the medium-pace ball.
    Batsmen getting out being stumped
    Stumped Out
    Hit wicket out: The batsman is out Hit wicket out if, while the ball is in play, his wicket is put down either by the striker's bat or cricketer himself. This law is not applied if batsman hits wicket while trying to take run. Kevin Pietersen hit wicket dismissal against West Indies in the very uncommon and interesting way of getting out(batsman dismissal) by hit wicket.
    Hit Wicket Out
    Time out : The incoming batsman must be in position to take guard for his partner to be ready to receive the next ball within 3 minutes (1 minute in T20 game). If batsman fails to reach crease in 3 minute and the opposing team appeal for the out, then the batsman is given out and such type of dismissal in cricket is called time out. No one has been out by time out in international cricket as marked by ICC( International Cricket Council)  but, in first class cricket 4 batsmen : A. Jordan, H. Yadhav, V.C Drakes and A.J. Harris has been out by time out.

    Handed the ball out : If the batsman touches the ball with his hand for any purpose other than, with the approval of the fielders, to return the ball to the bowler, batsman  is out on appeal. It is considered etiquette for the fielding team not to appeal if the handling of the ball does not affect the play of the game, although there are occasions when this etiquette has been ignored. Only seven batsman ( Russell Endean, Andrew Hilditch, Moshin Khan, Desmond Haynes, Graham Gooch, Steve Waugh & Micheal  Vaughan)has been out handed the ball out.

    Hit the ball twice out: The batsman is out hit the ball twice if, while the ball is in play, it strikes any part of batsman or is struck by his bat and before the ball has been touched by a fielder, he willfully strikes it again with his bat or batsman himself, other than a hand not holding the bat, except for the sole purpose of guarding his wicket. Getting out by hit the ball twice is very unusual. Among 10 ways of getting out(batsman dismissal) in cricket, it is most rare.And, no batsman has been out in test cricket hitting the ball twice.

    Obstructing the field out: If a batsman by action or by words obstructs fielder, then he is given out obstructing the field. However, batsman  is allowed to obstruct fielder by standing in front of him. There are only four occasion batsman getting out by obstructing the filed, 1 time in test match cricket and three time in ODI cricket.
      • Ramiz Raja - for Pakisthan Vs Australia in 1987 ( In ODI )
      • Mohinder Amarnath - for India Vs Srilanka in 1989 ( In ODI )
      • Inzaman ul Haq - for Pakisthan Vs India in February 2006 ( In ODI )
      • Len Hettun - for England Vs South Africa in 1951 ( In Test)
      "How many ways batsman can get out?" Many would answer 10 to this question but, how about 11th way a batsman can get out in cricket. Yes, though 11th way of getting out is not explained by cricket law but, it is considered to be one of the way to get out in cricket.

      11th way of getting out ( Retired hurt out) :
      Though it have been said that, there are 10 ways of batsman dismissal in cricket but, a batsman can get out by retired hurt out aswell. Retired hurt out is not kept in the cricket law of getting out in cricket but, it is considered as 11th way of batsman dismissal.If the batsman is retired hurt and cannot continue his batting, then he is considered out and such type of dismissal is called retired hurt out.

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